The importance of the density measurement of the yarn bobbins, before the dyeing process, allows to optimize the entire productive process reducing to the minimum the discards.
An instruments as the LDCS avoids to leave to the operator the decision on the quality of the bobbins and make the analysis objective.
The LCDS gives, quickly, these measurements: weight, volume, density and diameter of a yarn bobbin.
The classification based on the density of the bobbins is written on display in order to speed the operator's work.
The machine can be equipped with a PC with a special program allows the collecting of the data of the bobbins analysis divided in doffings, and stores them for following analysis, or the machine may not have the PC board and can be used a corporate PC.
The data are stored in a lots.
The classification of the yarn bobbin is decided on the base of data set based on weight, diameter and density.
The profile found by the laser is always present for further checks on the part of the operator.
At the end or during the measurements done on the yarn bobbins can be analyzed special statistics to value the progress under analysis.
The statistical data can be printed on all kind of printers.
In case of use Tube-ID, you can store the analysis data directly on tube RAM memory.
The software can be adapted on the client request.
Our Technical Office is at your disposal for particular applicative requests.